Monday, July 1, 2013

Judge orders rapper to get Twitter etiquette lessons

Meek Mill in a meeker moment.

(Credit: MeekMillTV/YouTube Screenshot by Chris Matyszczk)

Tweets are the soundbites that you don't even chew over.

Before they even come into your head in some full form, you thrust them out onto the world in the hope of instant approbation.

You might imagine that rappers, who live in the rhythm of words, would all be Twittermeisters.

And yet one Philadelphia judge decided that Meek Mill, a rapper who hopes for an immodest future, needs a little help with his 140-character pronouncements.

As the Philadelphia Inquirer reports, Meek was put through the legal mill after allegedly violating his probation following drug and gun convictions.

More Technically Incorrect

One of the problems that emerged at this hearing is that Meek Mill is penning tweets that allegedly rouse his followers to offer threats to his probation officer.

He does have more than 2.5 million followers. He also describes his home town as "Killadelphia."

"I really do think it's time you learned a little Twitter decorum, Mr. Mill," said the judge.

At least that's what I imagine she said.

What is clear is that Judge Genece Brinkley suggested on Friday he take remedial Twitter classes with Dyana Williams, a local radio personality.

It's unknown how Williams might feel about teaching Mill to refine his gist on Twitter. I also worry whether Meek Mill will have enough respect for her Twitter skills. Currently, she only has 749 followers.

Some might feel she should get to work very quickly. Saturday, one of Mill's latest tweets read: "She was suppose 2 f#?k me like a star...... Dat p#%sy overrated!"

No, I'm not imagining that's what he tweeted. Over to you, Ms. Williams.


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