Friday, March 1, 2013

The Current : Economics and Personal Finance: What's the deal?

Home > Opinions > Economics and Personal Finance: What?s the deal?

Lia Chiflemariam, Staff Writer
February 28, 2013
Filed under Opinions, Opposing Viewpoints

Writing checks. Saving money. Those are some of the things you hear when you take the Economics and Personal Finance class. You know, the one that?s required in order to graduate. Many find it helpful, while others are starting to question its importance as to whether or not it gives you any benefit.
The class is actually designed to be very useful. It teaches basic financial skills and helps you be better prepared when dealing with money and saving. You learn some of the simple concepts of writing a check, dealing with debit and credit cards, and balancing a budget, as well as some of the crucially important things you?ll need to know down the road. Have you ever heard of a W-4, or a 1040EZ? What about the significance of making retirement plans, or having insurance to cover basic expenses, such as health insurance or auto insurance? It will be overwhelming to you in the future if you don?t have even a general understanding of how these things affect you and what you should do to keep your money on track.
?I think it is a very useful class full of real-life content that students can begin to use now as a teen and continue to apply in their adult lives,? says Economics and Personal Finance teacher Michele Rock. ?It gives students a basic foundation for making SMART decisions regarding financial planning.?
?Economics and Personal Finance is definitely a helpful class? says Imirra Estep.
Of course, there is the big question. Should this class be mandatory? Are there other classes that people find more helpful and that should be mandatory? ?Personally, I don?t think it?s worth being required,? said Katherine Espinal Cruz. ?It?s a very useful class, but we shouldn?t have to spend a block taking it if we have other classes that we need to focus on.?
?I don?t think it?s best for the class to be mandatory, but I do think it?s valuable? says Tatiana Loarca.


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